Dear diary? is that the way to start? Naaa... so here goes!
Police turned up after morning stables to take statements about the pitiful burglar who fell foul of the secuity watch Gander. Billy in turn hissed at them and spread his wings and the both male and female copper stopped dead and wouldn't move until Billy was tempted away with a promise of an extra breakfast and threat of a yardbrush at point blank range... bristle side up! After statements were given they got a tour of the yard and saw some of the horses working in the school. They were bremused at the sight of 3 people in full armour working with 2 horses.
What was happening? Well, I was Working with the girls showing how easy it is to take someone out of the saddle and showing them how to avoid these and to stay in the saddle. crash mats were used to a certain degree as a safety measure. The horses give a height, weight and mobility advantage in the arena... especially mine. Maestro was tacked up and then the girls were invited to try and take me out of the saddle. Man and trained Warhorse gave a classic demonstration of team work and the girls were repeatedly hit buy a rubber training weapon, pushed over, barged out of the way, kicked and bitten. no serious damage was done as Maestro had special padding added to his shoes and it was a very serious sounding discussion on tactics by all the girls at lunch!
The armourer will be coming on Friday to repair their armour as it's full of dents and teethmark. But that'swhy they wear it.... Protection
The Police wre mightily impressed and said that they could do with all their horses capable of that. For £1 million per horse and five years training they can have them I replied!
The afternoon session took the form of foot combat training and the emphasis on team work. after and hour and a half they had the idea. work together and divide the opponents attention. My advantage is being left handed with single-handed weapons and ambidextorous with two-handed weapons. They have not worked a counter to this yet, but it's only time before they realise that all my weapons techniques are the opposite of theirs. Until then it's an advantage that gets round their guard every time!
One of the English guys swears at me every time I get through his guard. Every time he things he can counter me I come up with something new and get through his guard!
Tonight is Orchestra and Chorus Rehersal night. It's also our last rehersal before our 4 day trip to Hamburg to play and participate in the cities christmas festivities. so it's been quite a busy rehersal with last minute information and mostly topping and tailing the music. A pint in the pub afterwards ws very welcome!
I'm so lucky to be able to conduct such a great bunch of musicians. Handels "The Messiah" is going to sound fabulous. The Orchestra's big band have a very prestigious gig over there and performing carols at the christmas Market in Hamburg will be great fun.... but probably cold.
KLM have come up trumps again and have agreed to provide us with transport. They provided us with out very own aircraft to get everyone there and back along with instruments, percussion, music stands, music and everything else an Orchestra and Chorus needs for the summer Arts festival Week in Hamburg and I'm so grateful for their help - mind you, having a frequent flier account with htem help I think!
Not sure If I'll be able to post from Hamburg.. depends on the hotel.